HOW Do We Help?
Following the WHO guidelines, the Hospice NZ Palliative Care Strategy and the NZ Cancer Society Palliative Care Strategy, Amitabha Hospice offers free practical support and compassionate companionship from the time a person is diagnosed with a life-limiting illness or condition.
Our Support Companions offer free support by being:
Able to provide some practical support where appropriate, e.g. shopping, outings, teaching relaxation and meditation techniques.
A reliever for the usual caregiver or family member, to enable them to have ‘time out’ to rest, work, do errands or just take a break.
A regular dependable visitor to talk to and connect with.
A companion and caring supporter for those with progressive illness throughout Auckland.
A dedicated friend with listening skills, enabling individuals to express their concerns and feelings and find their own meaning.
WHY Volunteer?
The benefits are many:
Your offer of time and support may be the deciding factor in enabling a family to keep their loved one at home where they can receive quality support in a familiar environment.
You will become part of a friendly supportive team. You will enrich your personal development.
You will learn practical skills, that you can use to help your family and friends.
You will meet some memorable and inspiring people.
It’s an easy way to give valuable help to your community and personally deeply rewarding.
Qualities WE LOOK for:
Good mental and physical health.
Strong motivation for wanting to work with Amitabha Hospice Service.
Genuine altruistic caring for people.
Non-judgmental attitude and respect for others' beliefs.
Good communication and listening skills.
Ability to respect confidences and privacy.
Willingness to learn, to accept guidance and to work as a team member.
Emotional maturity and an ability to cope with people experiencing suffering.
Dependability, flexibility, honesty.
A sense of humour.
A healthy attitude toward one’s mortality.
A source of spiritual & emotional support in one’s life.
Can offer aprox 2-4 hrs per week (preferably weekdays) for at least 12 months
The Training Course:
Volunteers are required to attend all sessions to cover the following topics:
Philosophy and Organisation of Amitabha Hospice Service
Role of an Amitabha Support Companion
Aged Adults
Dying Process
Loss and Grief
Spiritual and Cultural Issues
Basic Hygiene, Comfort Cares and Safety
Cancer, AIDS and Other Life-Limiting Illnesses
Medications and Symptom Control
Legal Restrictions
Situational Problems
Support and Supervision
2024 TRAINING COURSES: Venue, Dates and Time
The volunteer training course & booklet are free of charge for those who can commit to volunteer for Amitabha Hospice for a year (taking holiday breaks & leaves), we do appreciate donations (which are tax deductible) toward the cost of the program. For those who want to do the training course but cannot commit to volunteer for a year there is a charge of $400.
Please arrive in time for a 7.00 pm start.
Because we cover a lot of material in a short time, attendance is required at every class in order to receive all the training needed to safely and competently give quality care.
A clean Criminal Conviction Report is required for all applicants. You can apply for this by clicking this link- https://www.justice.govt.nz/criminal-records/get-your-own/
Completion of the course does not oblige Amitabha Hospice Service to accept a participant as a Support Companion.
A Certificate of Completion is given after the course
Amitabha Hospice arranges identification badges for all volunteers, volunteers are asked to pay for their badge, cost $12.
Commitments Required
All volunteers are asked to sign an Agreement form that contains the following points:
To travel to the suburbs stated in my Volunteer’s Details Form & to commit 2 to 4 hours per week to see my client for a year.
To fill an online volunteer report after each visit to my patient or a monthly volunteer report before the end of each month acknowledging all visits for the month.
To attend the bi-monthly Volunteer meetings, at least 3 per year and that I will do my best to attend the up-skill trainings & different courses that Amitabha Hospice organizes for its volunteers.
To be available to answer calls & e-mails from my coordinator and to inform or supply to them any relevant or important information in regards to my Amitabha Hospice Support Companion's work.If after finishing my Volunteer Support Companion Training course with Amitabha Hospice, and within 3 months, I am contacted by an Amitabha coordinator and I refuse to support a patient (except due to unforeseen circumstances), I agree that I will reimburse Amitabha Hospice $400, for the Support Companion Training I received on the understanding that I would volunteer for a year. There is no charge if the volunteer needs to quit due to unforeseen circumstances e.g. death in the family, pregnancy or illness of self or loved one, or transfer (including partner) to another city.
To maintain strict confidentiality.
All volunteers are asked to sign this Volunteer Agreement Form before they join the course.
How To Apply
Before you apply please make sure you read & understood all the above information.
When we receive your application, you will be contacted for an interview before the next training course.
If you have any questions about the course please call (09) 828-3321 or Email us